By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at
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最近的作品表明,如何将大语言模型(LLM)的推理能力应用于自然语言处理以外的领域,例如机器人的计划和互动。这些具体的问题要求代理商了解世界上许多语义方面:可用技能的曲目,这些技能如何影响世界以及对世界的变化如何映射回该语言。在体现环境中规划的LLMS不仅需要考虑要做什么技能,还需要考虑如何以及何时进行操作 - 答案随着时间的推移而变化,以响应代理商自己的选择。在这项工作中,我们调查了在这种体现的环境中使用的LLM在多大程度上可以推论通过自然语言提供的反馈来源,而无需任何其他培训。我们建议,通过利用环境反馈,LLM能够形成内部独白,使他们能够在机器人控制方案中进行更丰富的处理和计划。我们研究了各种反馈来源,例如成功检测,场景描述和人类互动。我们发现,闭环语言反馈显着改善了三个领域的高级指导完成,包括模拟和真实的桌面顶部重新排列任务以及现实世界中厨房环境中的长途移动操作任务。
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通过模仿学习(IL)使用用户提供的演示,或者通过使用大量的自主收集的体验来学习机器人技能。方法具有互补的经验和缺点:RL可以达到高度的性能,但需要缺陷,但是需要缺乏要求,但是需要达到高水平的性能,但需要达到高度的性能这可能非常耗时和不安全; IL不要求Xploration,但只学习与所提供的示范一样好的技能。一种方法将两种方法的优势结合在一起?一系列的方法旨在解决这个问题,提出了整合IL和RL的元素的各种技术。然而,扩大了这种方法,这些方法复杂的机器人技能,整合了不同的离线数据,概括到现实世界的情景仍然存在重大挑战。在本文中,USAIM是测试先前IL + RL算法的可扩展性,并设计了一种系统的详细实验实验,这些实验结合了现有的组件,其具有效果有效和可扩展的方式。为此,我们展示了一系列关于了解每个设计决定的影响的一系列实验,以便开发可以利用示范和异构的先前数据在一系列现实世界和现实的模拟问题上获得最佳表现的批准方法。我们通过致电Wap-opt的完整方法将优势加权回归[1,2]和QT-opt [3]结合在一起,提供了一个UnifiedAgveach,用于集成机器人操作的演示和离线数据。请参阅HTTPS: //awopt.github.io有关更多详细信息。
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Robots need to be able to adapt to unexpected changes in the environment such that they can autonomously succeed in their tasks. However, hand-designing feedback models for adaptation is tedious, if at all possible, making data-driven methods a promising alternative. In this paper we introduce a full framework for learning feedback models for reactive motion planning. Our pipeline starts by segmenting demonstrations of a complete task into motion primitives via a semi-automated segmentation algorithm. Then, given additional demonstrations of successful adaptation behaviors, we learn initial feedback models through learning from demonstrations. In the final phase, a sample-efficient reinforcement learning algorithm fine-tunes these feedback models for novel task settings through few real system interactions. We evaluate our approach on a real anthropomorphic robot in learning a tactile feedback task.
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Pre-trained protein language models have demonstrated significant applicability in different protein engineering task. A general usage of these pre-trained transformer models latent representation is to use a mean pool across residue positions to reduce the feature dimensions to further downstream tasks such as predicting bio-physics properties or other functional behaviours. In this paper we provide a two-fold contribution to machine learning (ML) driven drug design. Firstly, we demonstrate the power of sparsity by promoting penalization of pre-trained transformer models to secure more robust and accurate melting temperature (Tm) prediction of single-chain variable fragments with a mean absolute error of 0.23C. Secondly, we demonstrate the power of framing our prediction problem in a probabilistic framework. Specifically, we advocate for the need of adopting probabilistic frameworks especially in the context of ML driven drug design.
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